Alois on VertdeVin Magazine

Alois on VertdeVin Magazine

Sulla rivista francese Vert de Vin gli assaggi selezionati da Jonathan Choukroun Chicheportiche per raccontare la Campania del vino in occasione della rassegna “Campania Stories”. Recensiti i nostri Morrone e Caiatì nella ventitreesima uscita dell'edizione internazionale del magazine.

Alois - Caiatì 2022
Terre del Volturno Pallagrello Bianco IGP
The nose is spicy and quite aromatic. It expresses notes
of white peach, fresh pepper and small notes of dried
citrus associated with a touch of kumquat as well as
discreet hints of spices. The palate is fruity and offers
juiciness, a certain fullness, freshness. It expresses
notes of fresh kumquat, juicy/fresh mandarin and
small notes of dried zest associated with touches of
mandarin blossom, dried pineapple as well as hints
of local garrigue, fresh rosemary and a subtle hint
of clove. A fine tannic sensation on the finish, good
Score : 15/20 (89-90/100)

Alois - Morrone 2021
Terre del Volturno Pallagrello Bianco IGP
The nose offers a certain concentration, spiciness and a
certain suppleness in its intensity. It expresses the notes
of kumquat, dried mandarin zest and small notes of sage,
fresh rosemary associated with touches of dry garrigue
and salinity. The palate is fruity and offers juiciness,
suavity, a mineral frame, energy, a frank, tense expression.
It expresses notes of physalis, zest and - small notes of
racy minerality, combined with touches of citrus as well as
fine hints of star fruit, garrigue and dried almond.
Score : 14.75/20 (88-89/100)

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