The Wines of Michele Alois at Il Gattopardo

The Wines of Michele Alois at Il Gattopardo

I was invited on a press trip a few years ago by Campania Stories to Benevento. As part of the program I was able to select the wineries I wanted to visit. One of the wineries I chose was the Michele Alois Winery as I have always enjoyed their wines. I had a very nice time at the winery and I was invited to come back. A few years ago, I was in Naples and contacted Massimo Alois. He invited me to visit the winery again. On the way to the winery we stopped in Caserta to pick up his son Gianfrancesco and a friend who were at basketball practice. I was surprised to learn that Basketball is the #1 sport in Caserta. At the winery we had a fantastic lunch prepared by Talita de Rosa, Massimo’s wife, which I wrote about in a previous blog.

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